• Office Hours - Mon - Fri 7:30am to 4pm

Allegheny Township

Sewer and Water Authority

Allegheny Township Sewer and Water Authority


Allegheny Township Sewer and Water Authority


pdf icon200x80 Construction Notes.pdf (Click Here)

Allegheny Township Sewer & Water Authority (ATSWA)


W. Bryan - Chairman

B. Bryan - Vice Chairman

J. Shoemaker - Treasurer

G. Keiper - Secretary

C. Garman - Assistant Secretary/Assistant Treasurer

C. Dutrow - Engineer

N. Karn - Solicitor

Founded on February 13, 1964 and incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on July 27, 1964, the ATSWA is charged with acquiring, holding, constructing, improving, maintaining and operating, owning, leasing, either in the capacity of lessor or lessee, sewers, sewer systems or parts thereof, and a sewage treatment works including works for treating and disposing of industrial wastes.

Public water and sewer service is important; as they will determine residential, commercial and industrial development densities for future development. Currently, the sewer and water service areas are almost consistent with each other. A large majority of the Township’s eastern area along Route 764, Plank Road, Route 220, Logan Boulevard, Colonial Drive, Foot of Ten area, and portions of Sugar Run Road, Maple Hollow Run Road, and Carson Valley Road utilize public water and sewer service.

There are small pockets of residential areas that do not have public water supply service. They exist near Altoona, Carson Valley Road, and land areas in western Foot of Ten.

Allegheny Township receives public water supply from:


•  The Altoona City Authority
•  Duncansville Authority
•  Hollidaysburg Authority


ATSWA personnel continuously perform spot checks on properties and homes for Inflow & Infiltration (I & I) that flow into the wastewater system.  Any I & I found will be removed at the property owner’s expense.  Downspouts, French drains, sump pumps, and cellar drains are NOT permitted to flow into the sanitary system, and are in direct violation of Township policies.

The ATSWA holds its monthly meetings on the 4th Thursday of each month at the Allegheny Township Municipal Building, 3131 Colonial Drive, Duncansville.  However, the scheduled meetings for the last calendar quarter (October, November & December) will be held the third Thursday of the month.  All meetings are held at 4:00 PM.  

If you have any questions, please call the ATSWA Secretary, Lisa George, or the ATSWA Inspector, Tim Campolong, at 814-696-0507.

For your convenience, instead of using postage, the ATSWA has a grey/silver drop-off box as a means to pay your monthly sewer bill; it is located on the edge of the grass and pavement in the front of the Municipal Building.
WARNING:    You "MUST" Call Before You Dig - Call 8-1-1

                         3 Working Days Notice Is The Law

Right-to-Know/Open Records Guide:  By January 1, 2009, all Townships must appoint an Open Records Officer by motion at a meeting and post the following information at the Township Building and on the Township’s Web site. In accordance with Pennsylvania’s Open Records Law (Act 3 of 2008), requests for access to public records pertaining to Allegheny Township may be filed with the ATSWA's Open Records Officer.   Accordingly, the ATSWA Resolution is attached below.
ATSWA Open Records Resolution.pdf

State Office of Open Records:
Terry Mutchler
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, 4th Floor
Harrisburg, PA  17120-0225
Phone:  717-346-9903
Fax:  717-425-5343
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Open Records Website: