• Office Hours - Mon - Fri 7:30am to 4pm

Welcome to Allegheny Township


We would like to welcome you to Allegheny Township's official web site and invite you to take advantage of our internet services from the convenience of your home or work, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Our township government is committed to serving the needs of our citizens.  We strive to build on the strengths of our community made possible by the people and businesses that call Allegheny Township their home.

Allegheny Township Departments


Allegheny Township Administration Department


Police Department

Allegheny Township Police Department


Emergency Services

Allegheny Township Emergency Services


Roadway Dept.

Allegheny Township Roadway Department


The Allegheny Township Sewer & Water Authority is pleased to announce effective October 1, 2023 customers will now be able to pay their sewer bill online via credit card by clicking the link below!  This link is only for credit card payments. Payments will take two days to process, please allow two business days for the payment to post to your account.  Note we do NOT accept credit card payments on any account with a lien in place.   If you have any questions, please contact Lisa George, ATSWA Office Secretary, at 814-696-0507.

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Get to Know Us

Allegheny Township is a township in Blair County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 6,738 at the 2010 census.

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Monument Dedication Ceremony

On Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. a dedication ceremony was held for the monument for the Engagement of Frankstown.  This engagement occurred on June 3, 1781 and involved Bedford County  Rangers who were ambushed by Seneca Indians led by the British.   The inscription on the monument, photographed, provides more details of the event.  There was a very informative presentation from Larry Smith, member of the S.A. R. Frontier Patriots.  Fred Imler, II, Allegheny Township Supervisor and Bruce Erb, Blair County Commissioner, were also present and shared some thoughts on the monument.  The space where the monument was erected was provided by Imler’s Poultry.

The monument is located at the intersection of Theater Drive and Route 764, Duncansville, Allegheny Township, Blair County, PA, and may be viewed at any time.

Fast Facts


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