• Office Hours - Mon - Fri 7:30am to 4pm

Allegheny Township

Snow Removal

Allegheny Township Snow Removal


Snow Removal

SNOW REMOVAL:  Removing snow from Township roads is one of the most important jobs performed by our road crew. The Allegheny Township Road Crew keeps Township roads clean and safe following a snowfall by plowing roadways and using chemical treatments that melt snow and ice on the pavement.


Roads are cleaned in priority order, beginning first with major arteries, then moving to secondary roadways, and finally cleaning residential streets. The department makes every effort to keep all Township roads clean, but in cases of unpredicted or quickly falling snow it may take time for crews to make it to residential roads. The Township Road Crew is responsible for 39.40 miles of roadway.


The Township is not responsible for damage to mailboxes caused by snowplows since mailboxes are erected on the right-of-way at the property owner's risk. Mailboxes should be placed as far from the right-of-way as possible and still permit access by mail carriers. Mailboxes should be placed on a "firm support." PENNDOT offers suggestions for routine winter operations, as well as your mailbox being damaged by winter maintenance operations. PADOT


Residents are reminded that they are not to shovel snow on Township roads. This is a violation of the PA Motor Vehicle Code and it creates additional traffic safety concerns.


For more information, contact the Allegheny Township Road Foreman at the Township Garage at:  814-695-5258


For interstate road conditions in Pennsylvania, call 1-888-783-6783, or  

1-717-783-5186 (out of state).


For conditions on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, dial 1-866-976-8747.


PennDOT has up-to-the-minute travel information on its website, www.state.pa.us

Note: These numbers are only operational from November 1st to April 30th.