Police Department
The Allegheny Township Police Department is under the supervision of Chief Michael Robison. Currently, the Allegheny Township Police force has 10 full-time officers and one full-time administrative staff member, Terri Walter.
The Police Department has grown to a 24-hour service to the 39± square miles that make up the township.

Contact Information:
M. Robison, Police Chief
Email: MRobison@AlleghenyTownship.us
3131 Colonial Drive
Duncansville, PA 16635
P. Mummert, Assistant Police Chief
Email: PMummert@AlleghenyTownship.us
3131 Colonial Drive
Duncansville, PA 16635
Police Business Office:
Ph: 814-940-5910 (Non-Emergency)
T. Walter, Administrative Staff
Email: TWalter@AlleghenyTownship.us
General Police Department Email: ATPD@AlleghenyTownship.us
If you wish to speak to one of our officers, please call 814-695-3333
The Allegheny Township Police Department was formed in the late 1940's and early 1950’s to provide police and protective services to the residents of Allegheny Township.
The department had one patrol car during that time, and radio communications consisted of citizens band radios in the car and at the home of Supervisor Ralph Hoover; when Mr. Hoover was not available, the Police were on their own.
The department then graduated to mobile phones in the patrol car, and in 1976, the Blair Base Network was formed, which provided two-way radio and dispatching from the Hollidaysburg State Police Barracks.
The first police officer, Harold Eckard served until his retirement in 1974. There were a few men who worked part-time off and on during this period. In 1968, a second officer, Donald W. Fowkes Jr., was hired, and upon Chief Eckard's retirement, Officer Fowkes became the Police Chief.
Throughout the following years, Allegheny Township added more police officers to fill the rolls and needs of the Township. Currently, the police force has ten full-time officers and one full-time administrative staff member, Terri Walter.
Today, the police department has grown to include 24-hour service to the 39± square miles that make up the township.
Full-Time Police Officers:
Police Chief, M. Robison
Assistant Police Chief, P. Mummert
J. Reeder - Email: JReeder@AlleghenyTownship.us
C. Gunnett - Email: CGunnett@AlleghenyTownship.us
B. Young - Email: BYoung@AlleghenyTownship.us
R. Brant - Email: RBrant@AlleghenyTownship.us
D. DiSabato - Email: DDisabato@AlleghenyTownship.us
L. Pugh - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
M. Fleck - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
B. Brennan - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Part-time Police Officers:
The Pennsylvania State Police can be reached at 814-696-6100.
The Pittsburgh office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation can be contacted at:
3311 East Carson Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203